Easy and robust mass spectrometry

Easy and robust mass spectrometry

Gain more confidence and invest in your lab’s future via Thermo Scientific single quadrupole mass spectrometry (MS). MS provides sensitivity and selectivity for your analyses, giving you more insight into your samples and ability to resolve difficult separations, including co-eluting peaks, using differing mass-to-charge (m/z) ratios. Our single quadrupole MS systems set new standards for robustness and ease-of-use. They are built for every day, reliable routine operation with seamless integration into your HPLC or UHPLC system.

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What is a single quadrupole mass spectrometer?

A single quadrupole mass spectrometer contains one quadrupole mass analyzer. The quadrupole mass analyzer acts as a mass filter, allowing users to select either a specific m/z ratio (i.e. one analyte) they are interested in detecting (i.e., single ion monitoring), or a range of m/z ratios (i.e., various analytes) at the same time (i.e., full scan monitoring).

Key benefits of a single quadrupole mass spectrometer

  • Selectivity – Detection based on the m/z ratio of the analyte means co-eluting peaks can be isolated by mass selectivity and is not constrained by chromatographic resolution.
  • Robust – Designed to maximize uptime, built to withstand dirty samples, and easy to clean and maintain.
  • Peak assignment – Unique mass spectrum generated for the compound of interest, ensuring correct peak assignment even in complex matrices.
  • Molecular weight information – Confirmation and identification of known and unknown compounds is possible.
  • Rapid method development – Easy identification of eluted analytes is performed without retention time validation.
  • Quantitation – Quantitative and qualitative data can be obtained easily and with limited instrument optimization.
  • Easy-to-use – Software-guided wizards and unique Thermo Scientific software that translates the physical properties of the analyte into optimal mass spectrometer parameters.
  • Insource fragmentation – Confirm compounds by specific mass fragments using collision-induced dissociation (CID).

Discover which single quadrupole mass spectrometer is right for you


Flexible LC-MS analysis with an extended mass range (HESI and HESI/APCI)

Routine IC-MS and LC-MS analysis optimized for small molecules
PerformanceApplicationLiquid ChromatographyIon Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography
Mass Range10 – 2000 m/z10 – 1250 m/z
Supported ModesFull scan / SIMFull scan / SIM
Mass ResolutionUnit (≤ 1.0 Da)Unit (≤ 1.0 Da)
Mass Accuracy< ± 0.1 Da< ± 0.1 Da
Scan Rate, max
Up to 20000 (Da/s)Up to 20000 (Da/s)
Stability< 0.1 Da over 48 h< 0.1 Da over 48 h
Source DetailsTypeHESI and HESI/APCIHESI
Max Flow Rate2mL/min2mL/min

Application notes

What is a single quadrupole mass spectrometer?

A single quadrupole mass spectrometer contains one quadrupole mass analyzer. The quadrupole mass analyzer acts as a mass filter, allowing users to select either a specific m/z ratio (i.e. one analyte) they are interested in detecting (i.e., single ion monitoring), or a range of m/z ratios (i.e., various analytes) at the same time (i.e., full scan monitoring).

Key benefits of a single quadrupole mass spectrometer

  • Selectivity – Detection based on the m/z ratio of the analyte means co-eluting peaks can be isolated by mass selectivity and is not constrained by chromatographic resolution.
  • Robust – Designed to maximize uptime, built to withstand dirty samples, and easy to clean and maintain.
  • Peak assignment – Unique mass spectrum generated for the compound of interest, ensuring correct peak assignment even in complex matrices.
  • Molecular weight information – Confirmation and identification of known and unknown compounds is possible.
  • Rapid method development – Easy identification of eluted analytes is performed without retention time validation.
  • Quantitation – Quantitative and qualitative data can be obtained easily and with limited instrument optimization.
  • Easy-to-use – Software-guided wizards and unique Thermo Scientific software that translates the physical properties of the analyte into optimal mass spectrometer parameters.
  • Insource fragmentation – Confirm compounds by specific mass fragments using collision-induced dissociation (CID).

Discover which single quadrupole mass spectrometer is right for you


Flexible LC-MS analysis with an extended mass range (HESI and HESI/APCI)

Routine IC-MS and LC-MS analysis optimized for small molecules
PerformanceApplicationLiquid ChromatographyIon Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography
Mass Range10 – 2000 m/z10 – 1250 m/z
Supported ModesFull scan / SIMFull scan / SIM
Mass ResolutionUnit (≤ 1.0 Da)Unit (≤ 1.0 Da)
Mass Accuracy< ± 0.1 Da< ± 0.1 Da
Scan Rate, max
Up to 20000 (Da/s)Up to 20000 (Da/s)
Stability< 0.1 Da over 48 h< 0.1 Da over 48 h
Source DetailsTypeHESI and HESI/APCIHESI
Max Flow Rate2mL/min2mL/min

Application notes

The easy-to-use Thermo Scientific ISQ EM Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer allows for flexible LC-MS analysis, with an extended mass range to detect small and large molecules, and an optional HESI or dual HESI/APCI ionization probe to target polar and non-polar compounds.

The Thermo Scientific ISQ EC Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer enables novices and experts alike to run routine MS and improve analytical confidence by detecting small molecules with high sensitivity in both simple and complex matrices.

LC-MS webinar series

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Our LC-MS on-demand webinar series expands your application knowledge for pharma, biopharma, environmental, omics, food, forensics and clinical research and more. Learn how the latest high-performance mass spectrometry solutions can enable your laboratory to solve your most pressing analytical challenges, regardless of sample type.