Thermo Scientific™

TRACE™ 1310 Natural Gas (NG) and Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) Analyzers

製品番号(カタログ番号): NATGASC20211
Thermo Scientific™

TRACE™ 1310 Natural Gas (NG) and Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) Analyzers

製品番号(カタログ番号): NATGASC20211

Select from over 15 turnkey Thermo Scientific™ TRACE™ 1310 Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquid Analyzers for the vital information you need to meet increasing need for analytical data as natural gas (NG) and natural gas liquid (NGL) demand, production, custody transfer, and consumption. TRACE 1310 NG/NGL systems conduct analyses according to standard methods, GPA, ASTM, ISO, DIN, including calorific or BTU content, hydrocarbon speciation and impurities. Choose from low-cost single channel, best-value dual channel, or highly flexible combination systems.

Dual Channel NG Analyzer & NGL Analyzer for GPA 2261, 2177, 2286, 2186
For Gas Samples, Channel One Produces Early C6+ Regroup Peak, Individual Peaks for O2, N2, CO2, Methane, Ethane, C3-C5 For Liquid Samples, Channel One Produces Early
TRACE 1310 GC with two independent channels
  • Channel one has a single TCD detector, an auxiliary valve oven with one 4-port liquid injection valve, one 10-port gas injection valve, two 6-port column switching valves, and 4 packed columns.
  • Channel two has a single flame ionization detector (FID), one 4 port liquid sample valve, one 6 port gas sampling valve and a single capillary column located in the GC main oven.
タイプDual Channel Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquid Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity and Flame Ionization
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
カラム容量5 (4 packed, 1 capillary)
概要Dual Channel NG Analyzer & NGL Analyzer for GPA 2261, 2177, 2286, 2186
内容TRACE 1310 GC with two independent channels
  • Channel one has a single TCD detector, an auxiliary valve oven with one 4-port liquid injection valve, one 10-port gas injection valve, two 6-port column switching valves, and 4 packed columns.
  • Channel two has a single flame ionization detector (FID), one 4 port liquid sample valve, one 6 port gas sampling valve and a single capillary column located in the GC main oven.
機能For Gas Samples, Channel One Produces Early C6+ Regroup Peak, Individual Peaks for O2, N2, CO2, Methane, Ethane, C3-C5 For Liquid Samples, Channel One Produces Early
検出器タイプTCD and FID
Unit Size-
Single Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261
Early C6+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C5
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Compact valve oven with two 6-port valves
  • 3 packed columns located in GC column oven.
タイプSingle Channel Natural Gas Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Single Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Compact valve oven with two 6-port valves
  • 3 packed columns located in GC column oven.
機能Early C6+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C5
Unit Size-
Single Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261 O2/N2
Early C6+ regroup peak, individual peaks for O2, N2, CO2, methane, ethane, C3-C5. Modified to Provide Separate Peaks for O2 and N2.
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Auxiliary valve oven with one 10-port injection valve, two 6-port column switching valves
  • 4 packed columns
タイプSingle Channel Natural Gas Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Single Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261 O2/N2
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Auxiliary valve oven with one 10-port injection valve, two 6-port column switching valves
  • 4 packed columns
機能Early C6+ regroup peak, individual peaks for O2, N2, CO2, methane, ethane, C3-C5. Modified to Provide Separate Peaks for O2 and N2.
Unit Size-
Single Channel NGL Analyzer for GPA 2177
Early C7+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C6
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Compact valve oven with two automated valves
  • 3 packed columns located in GC column oven
タイプSingle Channel Natural Gas Liquid Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Single Channel NGL Analyzer for GPA 2177
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Compact valve oven with two automated valves
  • 3 packed columns located in GC column oven
機能Early C7+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C6
Unit Size-
Single Channel NG C6+ or NGL C7+ Analyzer for GPA 2166 or 2177
Early C6+ or C7+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C5 for Natural Gas or C3-C6 for Natural Gas Liquid
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Auxiliary valve oven with three automated valves
  • 3 packed columns located in the auxiliary oven
タイプSingle Channel Natural Gas C6+ or Natural Gas Liquid C7+ Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Single Channel NG C6+ or NGL C7+ Analyzer for GPA 2166 or 2177
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Auxiliary valve oven with three automated valves
  • 3 packed columns located in the auxiliary oven
機能Early C6+ or C7+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C5 for Natural Gas or C3-C6 for Natural Gas Liquid
Unit Size-
Dual Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261
Each channel produces early C6+ regroup peak, composite peak for N2/air, individual peaks for CO2, methane, ethane, C3-C5. Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Different Samples.
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxillary oven with four 6-port valves
  • 6 packed columns
タイプDual Channel Natural Gas Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Dual Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxillary oven with four 6-port valves
  • 6 packed columns
機能Each channel produces early C6+ regroup peak, composite peak for N2/air, individual peaks for CO2, methane, ethane, C3-C5. Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Different Samples.
Unit Size-
Dual Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261 O2/N2
Early C6+ regroup peak , individual peaks for O2, N2, CO2, methane, ethane, C3-C5 for each channel. Modified to Report Separate Peaks for O2 and N2. Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Different Samples.
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxiliary valve oven with two 10-port injection valves, four 6-port column switching valves
  • 8 packed columns
タイプDual Channel Natural Gas Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Dual Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261 O2/N2
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxiliary valve oven with two 10-port injection valves, four 6-port column switching valves
  • 8 packed columns
機能Early C6+ regroup peak , individual peaks for O2, N2, CO2, methane, ethane, C3-C5 for each channel. Modified to Report Separate Peaks for O2 and N2. Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Different Samples.
Unit Size-
Dual Channel NGL Analyzer for GPA 2177
Early C7+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C6
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxiliary valve oven with four automated valves
  • 6 packed columns located in GC column oven
タイプDual Channel Natural Gas Liquid Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Dual Channel NGL Analyzer for GPA 2177
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxiliary valve oven with four automated valves
  • 6 packed columns located in GC column oven
機能Early C7+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C6
Unit Size-
Each 1
Dual Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2286

The two TCD channels produce early C6+ regroup peak, composite peak for N2/air, individual peaks for CO2, methane, ethane, and C3-C5.

The two FID channels produce a detailed chromatogram and report for hydrocarbons from C1-C14 as required for the extended analysis in GPA 2286.

Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Different Samples.
  • TRACE 1310 GC with TCD detector and FID detector
  • Auxiliary valve oven with six 6-port valves
  • 6 packed columns and 2 capillary columns located in the GC oven
タイプDual Channel Natural Gas Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity and Flame Ionization
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
カラム容量8 (6 packed, 2 capillary)
概要Dual Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2286
  • TRACE 1310 GC with TCD detector and FID detector
  • Auxiliary valve oven with six 6-port valves
  • 6 packed columns and 2 capillary columns located in the GC oven

The two TCD channels produce early C6+ regroup peak, composite peak for N2/air, individual peaks for CO2, methane, ethane, and C3-C5.

The two FID channels produce a detailed chromatogram and report for hydrocarbons from C1-C14 as required for the extended analysis in GPA 2286.

Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Different Samples.
検出器タイプTCD and FID
Unit SizeEach 1
Dual Channel NG O2 N2 Analyzer & NGL for GPA 2261 2177
Early C6+ regroup peak, individual peaks for O2, N2, CO2, methane, ethane, and C3-C5. The natural gas liquid channel produces early C7+ regroup peak. Modified to Provide Separate Peaks for O2 and N2. Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Samples (Gas, Liquid, or One of Each).
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxiliary valve oven with two 10-port injection valves, two 4-port liquid injection valves, and four 6-port column switching valves
  • 8 packed columns
タイプDual Channel Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquid O2 N2 Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Dual Channel NG O2 N2 Analyzer & NGL for GPA 2261 2177
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxiliary valve oven with two 10-port injection valves, two 4-port liquid injection valves, and four 6-port column switching valves
  • 8 packed columns
機能Early C6+ regroup peak, individual peaks for O2, N2, CO2, methane, ethane, and C3-C5. The natural gas liquid channel produces early C7+ regroup peak. Modified to Provide Separate Peaks for O2 and N2. Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Samples (Gas, Liquid, or One of Each).
Unit Size-
10 / 17 を表示さらに表示
- Dual Channel NG Analyzer & NGL Analyzer for GPA 2261, 2177, 2286, 2186For Gas Samples, Channel One Produces Early C6+ Regroup Peak, Individual Peaks for O2, N2, CO2, Methane, Ethane, C3-C5 For Liquid Samples, Channel One Produces EarlyTRACE 1310 GC with two independent channels
  • Channel one has a single TCD detector, an auxiliary valve oven with one 4-port liquid injection valve, one 10-port gas injection valve, two 6-port column switching valves, and 4 packed columns.
  • Channel two has a single flame ionization detector (FID), one 4 port liquid sample valve, one 6 port gas sampling valve and a single capillary column located in the GC main oven.
タイプDual Channel Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquid Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity and Flame Ionization
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
カラム容量5 (4 packed, 1 capillary)
概要Dual Channel NG Analyzer & NGL Analyzer for GPA 2261, 2177, 2286, 2186
内容TRACE 1310 GC with two independent channels
  • Channel one has a single TCD detector, an auxiliary valve oven with one 4-port liquid injection valve, one 10-port gas injection valve, two 6-port column switching valves, and 4 packed columns.
  • Channel two has a single flame ionization detector (FID), one 4 port liquid sample valve, one 6 port gas sampling valve and a single capillary column located in the GC main oven.
機能For Gas Samples, Channel One Produces Early C6+ Regroup Peak, Individual Peaks for O2, N2, CO2, Methane, Ethane, C3-C5 For Liquid Samples, Channel One Produces Early
検出器タイプTCD and FID
Unit Size-
- Single Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261Early C6+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C5
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Compact valve oven with two 6-port valves
  • 3 packed columns located in GC column oven.
タイプSingle Channel Natural Gas Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Single Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Compact valve oven with two 6-port valves
  • 3 packed columns located in GC column oven.
機能Early C6+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C5
Unit Size-
- Single Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261 O2/N2Early C6+ regroup peak, individual peaks for O2, N2, CO2, methane, ethane, C3-C5. Modified to Provide Separate Peaks for O2 and N2.
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Auxiliary valve oven with one 10-port injection valve, two 6-port column switching valves
  • 4 packed columns
タイプSingle Channel Natural Gas Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Single Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261 O2/N2
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Auxiliary valve oven with one 10-port injection valve, two 6-port column switching valves
  • 4 packed columns
機能Early C6+ regroup peak, individual peaks for O2, N2, CO2, methane, ethane, C3-C5. Modified to Provide Separate Peaks for O2 and N2.
Unit Size-
- Single Channel NGL Analyzer for GPA 2177Early C7+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C6
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Compact valve oven with two automated valves
  • 3 packed columns located in GC column oven
タイプSingle Channel Natural Gas Liquid Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Single Channel NGL Analyzer for GPA 2177
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Compact valve oven with two automated valves
  • 3 packed columns located in GC column oven
機能Early C7+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C6
Unit Size-
- Single Channel NG C6+ or NGL C7+ Analyzer for GPA 2166 or 2177Early C6+ or C7+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C5 for Natural Gas or C3-C6 for Natural Gas Liquid
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Auxiliary valve oven with three automated valves
  • 3 packed columns located in the auxiliary oven
タイプSingle Channel Natural Gas C6+ or Natural Gas Liquid C7+ Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Single Channel NG C6+ or NGL C7+ Analyzer for GPA 2166 or 2177
  • TRACE 1310 GC with single TCD detector
  • Auxiliary valve oven with three automated valves
  • 3 packed columns located in the auxiliary oven
機能Early C6+ or C7+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C5 for Natural Gas or C3-C6 for Natural Gas Liquid
Unit Size-
- Dual Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261Each channel produces early C6+ regroup peak, composite peak for N2/air, individual peaks for CO2, methane, ethane, C3-C5. Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Different Samples.
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxillary oven with four 6-port valves
  • 6 packed columns
タイプDual Channel Natural Gas Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Dual Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxillary oven with four 6-port valves
  • 6 packed columns
機能Each channel produces early C6+ regroup peak, composite peak for N2/air, individual peaks for CO2, methane, ethane, C3-C5. Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Different Samples.
Unit Size-
- Dual Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261 O2/N2Early C6+ regroup peak , individual peaks for O2, N2, CO2, methane, ethane, C3-C5 for each channel. Modified to Report Separate Peaks for O2 and N2. Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Different Samples.
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxiliary valve oven with two 10-port injection valves, four 6-port column switching valves
  • 8 packed columns
タイプDual Channel Natural Gas Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Dual Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2261 O2/N2
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxiliary valve oven with two 10-port injection valves, four 6-port column switching valves
  • 8 packed columns
機能Early C6+ regroup peak , individual peaks for O2, N2, CO2, methane, ethane, C3-C5 for each channel. Modified to Report Separate Peaks for O2 and N2. Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Different Samples.
Unit Size-
- Dual Channel NGL Analyzer for GPA 2177Early C7+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C6
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxiliary valve oven with four automated valves
  • 6 packed columns located in GC column oven
タイプDual Channel Natural Gas Liquid Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Dual Channel NGL Analyzer for GPA 2177
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxiliary valve oven with four automated valves
  • 6 packed columns located in GC column oven
機能Early C7+ Regroup Peak, Composite Peak for N2/Air, Individual Peaks for CO2, Methane, Ethane, and C3-C6
Unit Size-
Each 1Dual Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2286

The two TCD channels produce early C6+ regroup peak, composite peak for N2/air, individual peaks for CO2, methane, ethane, and C3-C5.

The two FID channels produce a detailed chromatogram and report for hydrocarbons from C1-C14 as required for the extended analysis in GPA 2286.

Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Different Samples.
  • TRACE 1310 GC with TCD detector and FID detector
  • Auxiliary valve oven with six 6-port valves
  • 6 packed columns and 2 capillary columns located in the GC oven
タイプDual Channel Natural Gas Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity and Flame Ionization
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
カラム容量8 (6 packed, 2 capillary)
概要Dual Channel NG Analyzer for GPA 2286
  • TRACE 1310 GC with TCD detector and FID detector
  • Auxiliary valve oven with six 6-port valves
  • 6 packed columns and 2 capillary columns located in the GC oven

The two TCD channels produce early C6+ regroup peak, composite peak for N2/air, individual peaks for CO2, methane, ethane, and C3-C5.

The two FID channels produce a detailed chromatogram and report for hydrocarbons from C1-C14 as required for the extended analysis in GPA 2286.

Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Different Samples.
検出器タイプTCD and FID
Unit SizeEach 1
- Dual Channel NG O2 N2 Analyzer & NGL for GPA 2261 2177Early C6+ regroup peak, individual peaks for O2, N2, CO2, methane, ethane, and C3-C5. The natural gas liquid channel produces early C7+ regroup peak. Modified to Provide Separate Peaks for O2 and N2. Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Samples (Gas, Liquid, or One of Each).
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxiliary valve oven with two 10-port injection valves, two 4-port liquid injection valves, and four 6-port column switching valves
  • 8 packed columns
タイプDual Channel Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquid O2 N2 Analyzer
検出モードThermal Conductivity
ダイナミックレンジ1 x 105
感度Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permanent Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
概要Dual Channel NG O2 N2 Analyzer & NGL for GPA 2261 2177
  • TRACE 1310 GC with two TCD detectors
  • Auxiliary valve oven with two 10-port injection valves, two 4-port liquid injection valves, and four 6-port column switching valves
  • 8 packed columns
機能Early C6+ regroup peak, individual peaks for O2, N2, CO2, methane, ethane, and C3-C5. The natural gas liquid channel produces early C7+ regroup peak. Modified to Provide Separate Peaks for O2 and N2. Allows Simultaneous Analysis of Two Samples (Gas, Liquid, or One of Each).
Unit Size-
10 / 17 を表示さらに表示
Choice of Turnkey NG/NGL Analyzers

Our team of specialist, with over 60 years in the business, has developed a complete line of analyzers. We offer over 15 different combinations to select from and all feature the innovative modularity of our Instant Connect injectors and detectors, providing the highest uptime and easiest maintenance.

Single channel analyzers – Lowest priced systems
Analyze a single sample per analysis using a single channel analyzer for NG or NGL.

Dual channel analyzers – Best value systems
Run two different samples simultaneously for improved productivity, or one sample with two channels of data BTU and speciation.

Combination analyzers – Most flexible system
A single platform capable of performing all the standard methods on a NG or NGL sample.

Common System Features
  • Gas Chromatograph: TRACE 1310 Gas Chromatography system with 12cm color touch screen
  • Column Oven: Forced air heating with option cryo cooling
  • Max Temp: 450°C
  • Maximum Heating Rate: 125°C/min
  • Heated Zones: 6
  • Detector: Thermal conductivity detector (TCD)
  • Filaments: Dual Ni/Fe
  • Sensitivity: Hydrocarbons 0.005%, Permannet Gases 0.01%, H2S 0.05%
  • Linear Dynamic Range: 1 x 105
  • Max Temperature: 400°C
  • Dimensions (HxWxD cm): 45 x 53.5 x 67
  • Weight (kg): 41
  • Voltage: 120V +/- 10%





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