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Phadia Immunology Reference Laboratory (PiRL)

Going beyond traditional allergy and autoimmune disease diagnostics

The Phadia Immunology Reference Laboratory (PiRL) offers a menu of cutting-edge assays to help extend your efforts beyond the current boundaries of innovative diagnostic testing technology. In addition, PiRL, a CLIA-certified laboratory, evaluates new, state-of-the-art analytes prior to full commercial launch in the US.

Your partner for exploration

As pioneers in allergy and autoimmune disease diagnostics, we strive to provide innovative assays and component technology not available elsewhere.

PiRL provides a menu of options from trusted allergy and autoimmune disease diagnostics to innovative molecular testing including:

  • ImmunoCAPTM Specific IgE blood testing–specific allergens, whole food, allergens, whole food allergen mixes and even custom ImmunoCAP tests
  • ImmunoCAP Allergen Components
  • EliATM Autoimmune assays
  • ImmunoCAP ISACTM 112–allows for semi-quantitative results based on measurements to 112 allergen components, from over 50 common allergen sources
  • ImmunoCAP PhadiatopTM
  • Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose
  • As well as an Investigator Studies Program

We offer customized reports and timely service to our customers as well as added value, by providing clinical expertise and world-class diagnostic assays.

How to order tests from PiRL

Step 1: Complete the Customer Account Initiation Form

Step 2: Within 2 weeks of the form being received and processed, your customer starter kit will be sent.

Step 3: Select the appropriate tests - refer to the Product Catalog for a listing of the assays available

Step 4: Complete all forms - download, print, and fill out the Testing Requisition Form (or fill out the requisition form provided in the starter kit) and submit one form for each patient sample shipped.

Step 5: Package and ship the specimen– refer to Sample Processing for packaging and shipping details.

Investigator studies program

Our goal is to support investigators with diagnostic tests and testing services to advance the understanding of the clinical utility and health economic benefits of testing across numerous disease states.

Areas of interest include:

  • Health Economics–Economic and clinical value of Immunodiagnostics
  • Specific IgE–Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, Food Allergy, ISAC Microarray
  • Support Tools–Testing reagents, Laboratory services, Potential funding support

Come Partner with Us

  • Call or email customer service if interested in submitting an application
  • Submission will be reviewed by ImmunoDiagnostics' clinical approval board
  • Expect a response within 6 weeks

Availability, turnaround times and sample shipping instructions may vary by test.

Please Contact Us for more information >