Testing with allergen components helps to uncover a detailed understanding of food, respiratory, and insect venom allergies.1,2
Available through most national, regional reference, and health system labs.
For laboratorians interested in adding ImmunoCAP to your test portfolio, explore the ImmunoCAP product catalog.
Testing with allergen components measures allergic sensitization to molecules found within whole allergens, allowing for a deeper understanding of causes, risks, and management of symptoms.1,2
Testing with allergen components measures allergic sensitization to molecules found within whole allergens, allowing for a deeper understanding of causes, risks and management of symptoms.1,2
Sensitization to these different proteins can provide valuable information about a patient’s disease state.1
Knowing which proteins that a patient may be reacting to allows you to obtain a greater understanding of their potential allergy.1
Knowing which proteins that a patient may be reacting to allows you to obtain a greater understanding of their potential allergy.1
Combined with symptoms and patient history, this information can aid in creating a complete and well-rounded management plan to improve your patient’s quality of life.1,2
For primary care providers and specialists, testing with allergen components helps answer valuable questions that may narrow your differential diagnosis and optimize patient management. 1,2
Get answers to questions such as...
Are symptoms due to a male or female dog?2
Are baked eggs and/or milk safer for the patient than raw versions?2
Is the risk of a severe reaction to peanut low enough for an oral food challenge?2
Which immunotherapy is best for the patient?2
Is it a clinical tree-nut sensitization or a cross-reaction with tree pollen?2
Explore allergen component case studies and see the full potential of testing.
Some of the most common ImmunoCAP Allergen Component tests include: *
Cow's Milk
Insect Venom
Tree nuts
*Availability of allergen component testing varies by location and preferred lab.
Find ImmunoCAP test codes for a specific laboratory and order using your preferred method.
The laboratory will process the ImmunoCAP test on Phadia Laboratory Systems.
Assess and interpret ImmunoCAP test results to personalize patient management.
Whether you’re a primary care provider or a specialist, interpretation guides for allergen component test results provide clear guidance on how sensitization to different types of food allergen components may influence the patient management plan.
Specific IgE blood test results should be interpreted in conjunction with the patient’s clinical history and physical examination.8-10 ImmunoCAP blood test results will indicate whether the patient is sensitized (i.e., has IgE antibodies) to specific allergens. However, sensitization to specific allergens does not always indicate a clinical allergy, as sensitization does not always result in symptoms.8,11
Trusted across specialties, ImmunoCAP Specific IgE tests are the gold standard in in-vitro allergy diagnostics,7 which can help optimize outcomes for allergy patients.
Explore what ImmunoCAP tests offer.
For additional info on ImmunoCAP testing, allergies, and/or educational tools and resources, contact our allergy experts.
Tools to aid in your diagnosis and patient management.