The ideal solution for profiling large numbers of miRNAs

There are two types of TaqMan chemistry options available for miRNA profiling studies:

  • The first generation TaqMan micoRNA Assays use an miRNA-specific reverse transcription (RT) stem loop primer to generate cDNA for the specific miRNA targets of interest.
  • In contrast, the new TaqMan Advanced miRNA chemistry uses an universal RT primer to reverse transcribe all of the miRNAs in the sample. The TaqMan Advanced miRNA chemistry is the preferred option for large profiling studies as it allows for a simplified and specific workflow for profiling large numbers of miRNAs.
 TaqMan MicroRNA AssaysTaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays
DescriptionTaqMan MicroRNA Assays employ a novel miRNA stem-loop primer during cDNA synthesis that produces a template for real-time PCRTaqMan Advanced miRNAAssays employ a universal RT step for a streamlined workflow and a universal miR-Amp step to enable highly sensitive detection by real-time PCR.
RT chemistrymiRNA-specific RTUniversal RT
ThroughputBest for 1–10 targetsBest for >10 targets
Coverage205 species available; coverage for miRBase v.2All human, mouse, and rat miRNAs; coverage for miRBase v.22
FormatsAvailable in individual assays, pre-designed and custom 384-well, TaqMan array cards, and OpenArray™ formatsAvailable in individual assays, pre-designed 96-well TaqMan Array Plates, pre-designed and custom 384-well TaqMan Array Cards, and OpenArray formats.

Ordering information - TaqMan Advanced miRNA Cards and Plates

Coverage of the most relevant microRNA for human species, aligned with Sanger miRBase v22, with over 740 assays enabled across the sets of TaqMan Advanced miRNA Array Cards or Plates.  Requires the TaqMan Advanced cDNA synthesis kit (A28007) and recommended TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix.



For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.