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Automotive parts testing

Today’s automotive parts have seen incredible advances in the functionality and reliability of transmissions, fuel injection systems, power trains, and braking systems. These improvements are the result of fundamental advances in the materials used in automotive manufacturing, including novel, increasingly complex steel, glass, ceramic, and polymer materials.

Automotive materials testing

These improvements, however, also come with new challenges. For example, high-precision automotive parts are more susceptible to residual, micron-size particulate contamination, which results in component, or potentially even system, failure. To make matters worse, current analytical techniques are often inadequate (too low resolution) to help engineers determine the cause of these failures.

New vehicles also undergo extensive testing to ensure the production of reliable, quality automobiles along with further improvements to current materials and processes.  For instance, the increasing demand for affordable, fuel-efficient tires requires better test methods to develop and study new rubber formulations. The next generation of rubber compounds has to reduce road resistance while still yielding a quality end product in order to substantially impact fuel efficiency. This starts with detailed analytical assessment using techniques such as electron microscopy.  

Automotive quality control

Thermo Fisher Scientific provides a range of instrumentation and software that simplifies your automotive materials analysis. These tools also have the potential to greatly reduce production times as you bring the quality control process in-house. By no longer relying on outsourcing for your QC analysis, production-cycle time can decrease by up to ten-fold.

Aluminum mineral grain found during SEM analysis of an automotive component
SEM image of an aluminum mineral grain found during the analysis of an automotive component.
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Watch on-demand: Particle Analysis Applications Using Desktop SEM Webinar Series

In each on-demand webinar, our expert will focus on one particular analysis application and how the Phenom ParticleX Desktop SEM overcomes some of the most common challenges. See the abstracts for individual sessions below.

  • How to certify your NCM powder quality with SEM+EDS
  • Electron-microscope-grade cleanliness in electronics
  • Speed up your automated gunshot residue analysis
  • Technical cleanliness analysis with an SEM: Why?
  • Understand your steel with automated inclusion analysis
  • One tool for complete AM powder characterization

Watch on-demand: Particle Analysis Applications Using Desktop SEM Webinar Series

In each on-demand webinar, our expert will focus on one particular analysis application and how the Phenom ParticleX Desktop SEM overcomes some of the most common challenges. See the abstracts for individual sessions below.

  • How to certify your NCM powder quality with SEM+EDS
  • Electron-microscope-grade cleanliness in electronics
  • Speed up your automated gunshot residue analysis
  • Technical cleanliness analysis with an SEM: Why?
  • Understand your steel with automated inclusion analysis
  • One tool for complete AM powder characterization


Quality control and failure analysis using electron microscopy

Quality control and failure analysis

Quality control and assurance are essential in modern industry. We offer a range of EM and spectroscopy tools for multi-scale and multi-modal analysis of defects, allowing you to make reliable and informed decisions for process control and improvement.

Aluminum mineral grain found with SEM during parts cleanliness testing

Technical Cleanliness

More than ever, modern manufacturing necessitates reliable, quality components. With scanning electron microscopy, parts cleanliness analysis can be brought inhouse, providing you with a broad range of analytical data and shortening your production cycle.



Atomic-Scale Elemental Mapping with EDS

Atomic-resolution EDS provides unparalleled chemical context for materials analysis by differentiating the elemental identity of individual atoms. When combined with high-resolution TEM, it is possible to observe the precise organization of atoms in a sample.

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Cross sectioning provides extra insight by revealing sub-surface information. DualBeam instruments feature superior focused ion beam columns for high-quality cross sectioning. With automation, unattended high-throughput processing of samples is possible.

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In Situ experimentation

Direct, real-time observation of microstructural changes with electron microscopy is necessary to understand the underlying principles of dynamic processes such as recrystallization, grain growth, and phase transformation during heating, cooling, and wetting.

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Particle analysis

Particle analysis plays a vital role in nanomaterials research and quality control. The nanometer-scale resolution and superior imaging of electron microscopy can be combined with specialized software for rapid characterization of powders and particles.

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Atomic-Scale Elemental Mapping with EDS

Atomic-resolution EDS provides unparalleled chemical context for materials analysis by differentiating the elemental identity of individual atoms. When combined with high-resolution TEM, it is possible to observe the precise organization of atoms in a sample.

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Cross sectioning provides extra insight by revealing sub-surface information. DualBeam instruments feature superior focused ion beam columns for high-quality cross sectioning. With automation, unattended high-throughput processing of samples is possible.

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In Situ experimentation

Direct, real-time observation of microstructural changes with electron microscopy is necessary to understand the underlying principles of dynamic processes such as recrystallization, grain growth, and phase transformation during heating, cooling, and wetting.

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Particle analysis

Particle analysis plays a vital role in nanomaterials research and quality control. The nanometer-scale resolution and superior imaging of electron microscopy can be combined with specialized software for rapid characterization of powders and particles.

Learn more ›


Style Sheet for Instrument Cards Original
Thermo Scientific Apreo 2 scanning electron microscope (SEM)

Apreo 2 SEM

  • High-performance SEM for all-round nanometer or sub-nanometer resolution
  • In-column T1 backscatter detector for sensitive, TV-rate materials contrast
  • Excellent performance at long working distance (10 mm)
Thermo Scientific Quattro E scanning electron microscope (SEM)

Quattro ESEM

  • Ultra-versatile high-resolution FEG SEM with unique environmental capability (ESEM)
  • Observe all information from all samples with simultaneous SE and BSE imaging in every mode of operation
Thermo Scientific Prisma E scanning electron microscope (SEM)

Prisma E SEM

  • Entry-level SEM with excellent image quality
  • Easy and quick sample loading and navigation for multiple samples
  • Compatible with a wide range of materials thanks to dedicated vacuum modes

Phenom Pharos G2 Desktop FEG-SEM

  • FEG source with 1 – 20 kV acceleration voltage range
  • <2.0 nm (SE) and 3.0 nm (BSE) resolution @ 20 kV
  • Optional fully integrated EDS and SE detector

Phenom XL G2 Desktop SEM

  • For large samples (100x100 mm) and ideal for automation
  • <10 nm resolution and up to 200,000x magnification; 4.8 kV up to 20 kV acceleration voltage
  • Optional fully integrated EDS and BSE detector

Phenom ProX G6 Desktop SEM

  • High performance desktop SEM with integrated EDS detector
  • Resolution <6 nm (SE) and <8 nm (BSE); magnification up to 350,000x
  • Optional SE detector

Phenom ParticleX TC Desktop SEM

  • Versatile desktop SEM with automation software for Technical Cleanliness
  • Resolution <10 nm; magnification up to 200,000x
  • Optional SE detector

Nexsa G2 XPS

  • Micro-focus X-ray sources
  • Unique multi-technique options
  • Dual-mode ion source for monoatomic & cluster ion depth profiling

K-Alpha XPS

  • High resolution XPS
  • Fast, efficient, automated workflow
  • Ion source for depth profiling


  • High spectral resolution
  • Multi-technique surface analysis
  • Extensive sample preparation and expansion options

Avizo Software
Materials Science

  • Support for multi-data/multi-view, multi-channel, time series, very large data
  • Advanced multi-mode 2D/3D automatic registration
  • Artifact reduction algorithms

Filter Inserts

  • Filter residue analysis and asbestos analysis
  • Available in two models which support 47 mm (1.85 inch) and 25 mm (1 inch) filters
  • Use on Phenom Desktop SEM

AutoScript 4

  • Improved reproducibility and accuracy
  • Unattended, high throughput imaging and patterning
  • Supported by Python 3.5-based scripting environment


  • Correlate pore features such as area, aspect ratio, major and minor axis
  • Acquire images directly from the Desktop SEM
  • Statistical data with high-quality images


  • Integrated software in ProSuite for online and offline analysis
  • Correlating particle features such as diameter, circularity, aspect ratio and convexity
  • Creating image datasets with Automated Image Mapping


  • Save time by automated measurements
  • Fast and automated collection of all statistical data
  • View and measure micro and nano fibers with unmatched accuracy
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Electron microscopy services for
the materials science

To ensure optimal system performance, we provide you access to a world-class network of field service experts, technical support, and certified spare parts.