
2022 年 6 月  Linda Armstrong |  ✓  醫療審查:Gary Falcetano, PA-C, AE-C;Fabio Iachetti, MD;Rebecca Rosenberger, MMSc, PA-C;Eva Södergren, PhD, MSc

Gary Falctano 是一名持照醫師助理,在緊急和災難醫學、基層醫療照護、過敏和免疫學有 25 年以上的豐富經驗,在 Thermo Fisher Scientific 擔任過敏免疫診斷美國臨床事務經理。Fabio Iachetti 是一名持照醫師,在過敏、CV、疼痛、GI、風濕病學、泌尿學、糖尿病學等多種疾病領域擁有 15 年以上的豐富經驗。在 Thermo Fisher Scientific 擔任全球醫療事務過敏免疫診斷資深醫療經理。Rebecca Rosenberger 除了在過敏和免疫學作為一名執業醫師助理擁有 20 年以上的經驗外,也在 Thermo Fisher Scientific 擔任免疫診斷臨床事務 & 教育副主任。Eva Södergren 是一名受過訓練的營養學家,目前在 Thermo Fisher Scientific 的免疫診斷部門擔任醫療與科學事務團隊的過敏資深科學顧問。

麩質是一種蛋白質家族,在食物中作用類似黏著劑,能維持食物的形狀。(此詞彙在拉丁文中其實就是黏著劑。不意外吧?)麩質可以在黑麥、大麥、黑小麥 (一種小麥與黑麥的混合物) 和小麥 (包括去麩小麥粒、杜蘭小麥、二粒小麥、粗粒小麥、斯佩耳特小麥、粗榖粉、法羅麥、全麥、Kamut 高拉山小麥及一粒小麥)。1




主要的麩質相關疾病有五種:乳糜瀉、疱疹性皮膚炎、麩質共濟失調、小麥過敏 (可能由小麥中的麩質蛋白質及其他蛋白質誘發) 和非乳糜瀉麩質敏感2 (您可能沒聽過以上某些疾病,但每種都是真實存在的。我們保證。)這些病症的症狀有所重疊,因此診斷相當困難。2 因此以下簡要介紹每種病症。

Simply put, celiac disease is an autoimmune reaction to gluten. Over time, the immune response damages the lining of your small intestine and can limit it from absorbing some nutrients. This damage, then, can also variably cause diarrhea, weight loss, bloating, fatigue, anemia, and more.3

An itchy, blistering skin disease, dermatitis herpetiformis is a type of rash that usually occurs on the elbows, knees, torso, scalp, and/or buttocks. Just like celiac disease, this condition is a cutaneous autoimmune reaction to the ingestion of gluten, which is often associated with changes to the lining of the small intestine, but DH might not actually include digestive symptoms. 3

Ataxia is a symptom of many conditions that affect the cerebellum, which is a part of the central nervous system. It causes clumsiness or a loss of balance and coordination that is not due to muscle weakness. Gluten ataxia, then, is a rare disease in which the immune system attacks the nervous system as a reaction to gluten ingestion. Those with gluten ataxia don’t always have the same digestive issues as those with celiac disease. 4

Wheat allergy is an allergic reaction from eating foods containing wheat or in some cases from inhaling or handling wheat flour. With celiac disease, gluten creates an abnormal autoimmune response. Conversely, with wheat allergy, the body produces specific antibodies (IgE) to one or several different proteins found in wheat. Symptoms can include: nasal congestion, headache, difficulty breathing, cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, itchy rash or swelling of the skin swelling, and itching or irritation of the mouth and/or throat. 5

Those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity experience symptoms similar to those with celiac disease, but they don’t test positive for celiac serological markers. Previously, it was thought that people with NCGS didn’t have intestinal damage in conjunction with their symptoms. However, at least one study confirms that for those with NCGS, gluten triggers a systemic immune reaction and accompanying intestinal cell damage.



  • 小麥:麵包、烘焙食品、湯、義大利麵、麥片、醬料、沙拉醬、麵糊
  • 大麥:麥芽 (例如麥芽大麥麵粉、麥芽乳/奶昔、麥芽調味料、麥芽醋)、食用色素、湯、啤酒、啤酒酵母
  • 黑麥:麵包 (例如黑麥麵包)、啤酒、麥片



診斷這些疾病的方法有很多種。例如,有兩種血液檢測可協助診斷乳糜瀉:1) 血清學檢測會檢查血液中的抗體,可指出由麩質誘發的自體免疫疾病,以及 2) 人類白血球抗原基因檢測有助排除乳糜瀉的可能性。7

小麥過敏則可以使用各種檢測和診斷工具 (例如皮膚點刺檢測、血液檢測、飲食日記、排除飲食、食物激發試驗)。8 請與您的醫療照護提供者諮詢,以判斷適合您的工具和檢測類型。


無麩質飲食對於管理乳糜瀉及其他麩質相關疾病的病徵及症狀來說十分重要。然而,在您的飲食中排除麩質可能會改變您對纖維、維生素和其他營養素的整體攝取。因此,瞭解此排除將如何影響您的整體營養需求十分重要。9 (僅僅因為您最喜愛的歌手或演員進行無麩質飲食,不代表這種飲食方式對您來說是合適的營養調整方法。)









  1. Celiac Disease Foundation (Gluten) [Internet]. Woodland Hills, CA: Celiac Disease Foundation; 2021. Available from: https://celiac.org/gluten-free-living/what-is-gluten. (Accessed Nov 2021.)
  2. Taraghikhah, N., Ashtari, S., Asri, N. et al. An updated overview of spectrum of gluten-related disorders: clinical and diagnostic aspects. BMC Gastroenterol 20, 258 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12876-020-01390-0.
  3. Mayo Clinic (Celiac) [Internet]. Rochester, MN: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2021 Aug 10. Available from: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/celiac-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20352220. (Accessed Nov 2021.)
  4. Beyond Celiac [Internet]. Amber, PA: Beyond Celiac; 2021. Available from: https://www.beyondceliac.org/celiac-disease/related-conditions/gluten-ataxia. (Accessed Nov 2021.)
  5. Mayo Clinic (Wheat Allergy) [Internet]. Rochester, MN: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2021. Available from: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/wheat-allergy/symptoms-causes/syc-20378897. (Accessed Nov 2021.)
  6. Celiac Disease Foundation (Non-Celiac Gluten) [Internet]. Woodland Hills, CA: Celiac Disease Foundation; 2021. Available from: https://celiac.org/about-celiac-disease/related-conditions/non-celiac-wheat-gluten-sensitivity. (Accessed Nov 2021.)
  7. Mayo Clinic (Celiac Testing) [Internet]. Rochester, MN: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2021. Available from: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/celiac-disease/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20352225. (Accessed Nov 2021.)
  8. Mayo Clinic (Wheat Allergy Diagnosis) [Internet]. Rochester, MN: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2021. Available from: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/wheat-allergy/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20378902. (Accessed Nov 2021.)
  9. Mayo Clinic (Gluten-Free Diet) [Internet]. Rochester, MN: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2021. Available from: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/gluten-free-diet/art-20048530. (Accessed Nov 2021.)