Phalloidin Labeling Probes
Phalloidin Labeling Probes

Phalloidin Labeling Probes

Achieve precise and reliable F-actin staining with fluorescent and biotinylated phalloidins. Phalloidin conjugates are widely used in imaging applications to selectively label F-actin in a variety of sample types including fixed and permeabilized cells, tissue sections, and cell-free experiments.
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A22286Near-infrared679⁄702Alexa Fluor™ 680
A22281Blue346⁄442Alexa Fluor™ 350
A30104Violet405/450Alexa Fluor™ Plus 405
A12379Green495/518Alexa Fluor™ 488
O7466Green496⁄520Oregon Green™ 488
F432Green496⁄516FITC (Fluorescein)
A22282Yellow531⁄554Alexa Fluor™ 532
R415Red-orange540⁄565TRITC (Tetramethylrhodaminisothiocyanat)
A22283Orange556⁄570Alexa Fluor™ 546
A34055Orange555⁄565Alexa Fluor™ 555
A30106Orange555/565 nmAlexa Fluor Plus 555
A12380Orange-red578⁄600Alexa Fluor™ 568
A12381Red581⁄609Alexa Fluor™ 594
T7471Red591⁄608Texas Red™
A22284Far-red632⁄647Alexa Fluor™ 633
A34054Far-red633⁄647Alexa Fluor™ 635
A22287Far-red650⁄668Alexa Fluor™ 647
A30107Far-red650/668 nmAlexa Fluor Plus 647
A22285Near-infrared663⁄690Alexa Fluor™ 660
A30105Near-infrared758/784Alexa Fluor™ Plus 750
P3457NoneNonePhalloidin (unlabeled)
Katalognummer A22286
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Alexa Fluor™ 680
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Phalloidin Labeling Probes
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Fluorescent and biotinylated phalloidins are water soluble and bind to filamentous actin (F-actin) with nanomolar affinity, making them convenient probes for labeling, identifying, and quantifying F-actin in cryopreserved tissue sections, fixed and permeabilized cells, and cell-free experiments. Phalloidin conjugates bind similarly to actin from various species, including plants and animals, enabling staining of the cytoskeleton in a wide range of samples.

A variety of phalloidin conjugates for filamentous (F-actin) staining are available, including fluorescent Alexa Fluor and Alexa Fluor Plus phalloidins, along with phalloidins conjugated to classic fluorescent dyes such as BODIPY, fluorescein, and rhodamine. Phalloidin staining is spectrally compatible with other fluorescent stains used in cellular analyses such as GFP/RFP, Qdot nanocrystals, and other Alexa Fluor conjugates and antibodies. Biotin‐XX Phalloidin can be used to visualize actin filaments via fluorescent streptavidin tags or standard enzyme-mediated avidin/streptavidin techniques such as in electron microscopy. Unlabeled phalloidin is available for use as a control in blocking F‐actin staining or in promoting polymerization.

Phalloidin conjugates bind to both large and small actin filaments with similar affinity in a 1:1 stoichiometry between phallotoxin and actin subunits. They do not bind G-actin monomers.

Alexa Fluor and Alexa Fluor Plus phalloidin conjugates for F-actin staining

Fluorescent Alexa Fluor dye conjugates of phalloidin are popular F-actin stains, offering color choices across the full spectral range. These phalloidin conjugates provide researchers with fluorescent probes that are superior in brightness and photostability compared to other spectrally similar conjugates.

Alexa Fluor Plus Phalloidin conjugates retain the same specificity for actin but offer 3-5 times greater sensitivity and brightness compared to the corresponding Alexa Fluor Phalloidin conjugate. This increased brightness is beneficial for challenging F-actin imaging, such as the super‐resolution microscopy methods SIM and STORM, and for reliable staining of actin stress fibers.

Features of phalloidin probes

  • High specificity—binds selectively to F-actin, which allows for precise labeling of actin filaments in fixed cells and cryopreserved tissues
  • Strong affinity—nanomolar binding affinity for F-actin, which ensures stable and reliable actin staining
  • Extensive fluorescent conjugate options—over twenty conjugated varieties of phalloidin
  • Compatibility with fixed samples—typically used with fixed cells and tissues, making them suitable for actin staining in detailed structural studies, immunofluorescence staining, and IHC applications
  • Multiplexing capability—the wide availability of phalloidin conjugates enables their use in combination with other fluorescent probes and antibodies for multiplex imaging. Biotinylated phalloidin can be made use of in downstream streptavidin steps.
  • Quantitative analysis—can be used for quantitative analysis of F-actin distribution and density within cells, aiding in the study of cytoskeletal dynamics. The unlabeled phalloidin can be titrated as a control.
  • Ease of use—staining is straightforward and quick
  • Excellent stability—exhibit good photostability, which is essential for prolonged imaging sessions and time-lapse studies
  • Wide applicability—used for a range of applications, including studying cell morphology, motility, and the effects of drugs on the actin cytoskeleton
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
FarbstofftypAlexa Fluor™ 680
Zur Verwendung mit (Geräte)Fluorescence Microscope, Flow Cytometer, Confocal Microscope, Compatible Cy5/Cy5.5 filter set
Menge300 Units
ProduktlinieAlexa Fluor™
MarkertypAlexa Fluor Farbstoffe
SubCellular LocalizationAktin, Cytoskelett, Cytoskeleton
Unit SizeEach
Inhalt und Lagerung
Bei -5 bis -30 °C lagern und vor Licht schützen.