Cell isolation helps researchers characterize specific, pure cell populations. Cell depletion indirectly helps this characterization by depleting the cells that are not of interest. Cell isolation, also commonly referred to as cell separation or cell sorting, can be achieved using magnetic beads to target cells for selection or depletion by using ligands or antibodies directed against specific cell surface antigens. Labeled cells that are cross-linked to magnetic beads are immobilized using magnets or magnetic racks. This method is simpler and faster compared to other commonly used cell isolation methods to isolate highly purified populations of specific cell subsets.

Magnetic bead cell separation methods offer the capability to perform positive and negative cell selection, as well as cell depletion. For positive selection, the magnetic-bound cells of interest are immobilized until removed from the magnet, while the supernatant is discarded. For negative selection, the cells of interest are in the supernatant. For cell depletion, cell-specific magnetic beads are used to remove specific unwanted cell types from a mixed cell sample with >99% efficiency.

Read more about positive and negative selection and depletion, as well as view our variety of kits and products to help improve your cell isolation protocols.

Selection guide for Dynabeads products

Dynabeads products are available for a multitude of molecular and cellular applications. Don’t know where to start? Use our easy selection guide that considers sample type, target molecule, and downstream application to provide tailored recommendations for Dynabeads products.

Dynabeads product selection guide

Positive cell isolation

Positive cell isolation involves directly labeling desired cells for selection using an antibody or ligand that targets a specific cell surface protein.

Positive cell isolation with Dynabeads magnetic beads

In positive cell isolation using Dynabeads magnetic beads, the beads are coated with the specific antibody or ligand to bind to the target cells and the bead/cell complexes are pulled down using a magnet. The supernatant contains non-specific cells and debris which can be discarded, leaving only your pure target cells attached to the bead.

 Cell separation using magnetic beads:

  • Is a gentle, tube-based method
  • Isolates high yields of pure, viable, and functional cells
  • Preserves the cells’ native characteristics

Human positive cell isolation kits

Human icon 
Positive cell isolation kits available for human cells target the following cell surface markers:
Cell surface marker to target for isolationCell type targetedFormat(s) available
CD3Cytotoxic T cells and T helper cellsFlowComp kit
CD4T helper cells, regulatory T cells, and natural killer T cellsFlowComp kit
CD8Cytotoxic T cells FlowComp kit
CD14Naive CD4+ T cellsFlowComp kit
CD19Pan B cellsDETACHaBEAD kit
CD34Progenitor stem cellsDETACHaBEAD kit
CD4/CD25Regulatory CD4+ T cellsDETACHaBEAD kit
EPCAMEpithelial cellsCELLection kit

Learn more about flow compatible Dynabeads kits

Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11365D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Human CD3 Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 164.35 (11%)
11361D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Human CD4 Kit Each
11362D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Human CD8 Kit Each
11333D Dynabeads™ CD8 Positive Isolation Kit Each
11367D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Human CD14 Kit Each
12506D DETACHaBEAD™ CD19 Kit Each
11301D Dynabeads™ CD34 Positive Isolation Kit Each
11363D Dynabeads™ Regulatory CD4+/CD25+ T Cell Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 71.35 (6%)
16203 CELLection™ Epithelial Enrich Dynabeads™ Each

Mouse positive cell isolation kits

Mouse icon 
Positive cell isolation kits available for mouse cells target the following cell surface markers:
Cell surface marker to target for isolationCell type targetedFormat(s) available
CD4Naive CD4+ T cellsFlowComp kit
CD8Naive CD8+ T cellsFlowComp kit
CD4/CD25Regulatory CD4+ T cellsFlowComp kit
CD90.2Pan T cellsFlowComp kit
Pan IgGDepends on your antibodyCELLection kit
Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11461D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Mouse CD4 Kit Each
11462D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Mouse CD8 Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 78.35 (8%)
11463D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Mouse CD4+CD25+ Treg Cells Kit 1 kit
11465D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Mouse Pan T (CD90.2) Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 71.35 (8%)
11531D CELLection™ Pan Mouse IgG Kit Each

Build-your-own positive cell isolation kit

Additional positive cell isolation kits are available to use for a wide range of species, with any antibody of your choice.

Use withFormat available
Any antibody targeting any cell type in any speciesFlowComp kit
Any biotinylated antibody targeting any cell type in any speciesCELLection kit
Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11061D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Flexi Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 45.35 (4%)
11533D CELLection™ Biotin Binder Kit Each

Negative cell isolation

Negative cell involves labeling unwanted cell types for removal. The unwanted cell types can be bound using magnetic beads coupled to antibodies or ligands that target specific cell surface proteins. The bound, unwanted cells can be depleted from the final isolated fraction by incubating the sample in a magnetic field, leaving desired unbound cells free floating in solution.

Negative cell isolation with Dynabeads magnetic beads

In negative cell isolation, Dynabeads magnetic beads are used to deplete all the unwanted cells using the supplied antibody mix. The target cells are left in the sample untouched and free of beads. The isolated target cells can be directly analyzed in a flow cytometer and used in any functional assay.

Negative cell separation using magnetic beads:

  • Is a gentle, tube-based method
  • Isolates high yields of pure, viable, and functional cells
  • Preserves the cells’ native characteristics

Human negative cell isolation kits

Human icon 
Negative cell isolation kits are available for human cells to target the following cell types:
Cell type targetedCell surface marker(s) to target for isolationFormat available
T helper cells, regulatory T cells, and natural killer T cellsCD4Untouched kit
Cytotoxic T cellsCD8Untouched kit
Dendritic cells (DCs)CD3, CD14, CD16, CD19, CD56, and CD235aUntouched kit
MonocytesCD3, CD7, CD16 (a and b), CD19, CD56, CD123, and CD235aUntouched kit
Pan B cellsCD2, CD14, CD16 (a and b), CD36, CD43, and CD235aUntouched kit
Pan T cellsCD14, CD16 (a and b), CD19, CD36, CD56, CD123, and CD235aUntouched kit
Natural killer (NK) cellsCD3, CD14, CD36, HLA Class II, CD123, and CD235aUntouched kit

Mouse negative cell isolation kits

Mouse icon 
Negative cell isolation kits are available for mouse cells to target the following cell types:
Cell type targetedCell surface marker(s) to target for isolationFormat available
Naive CD4+ T cellsCD4Untouched kit
Naive CD8+ T cellsCD8Untouched kit
Dendritic cells (DCs)CD2, CD3ε, CD49b, mIgM, and Ter-119Dynabeads kit
Pan B cellsCD43Dynabeads kit
Pan T cellsCD11b, CD16/32, CD45R, and Ter-119Untouched kit
Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11415D Dynabeads™ Untouched™ Mouse CD4 Cells Kit, 2 x 10 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 82.35 (9%)
11417D Dynabeads™ Untouched™ Mouse CD8 Cells Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 82.35 (9%)
11429D Dynabeads™ Mouse DC (Dendritic Cell) Enrichment Each
11422D Dynabeads™ Mouse CD43 (Untouched™ B Cells) Each

Online exclusive

Save 66.35 (7%)
11413D Dynabeads™ Untouched™ Mouse T Cells Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 78.35 (9%)

Cell depletion with Dynabeads magnetic beads

Cell depletion is aided by cell separation steps using magnetic beads. Cell depletion using magnetic beads involves selectively removing specific unwanted cells from a mixed population by using magnetic beads coupled with antibodies or ligands targeting specific cell surface markers. Through exposure to a magnetic field, the bead-bound unwanted cells are separated and removed from sample, allowing the isolation of desired cell populations for downstream characterization and analysis.

Human cell depletion kits

Human icon Cell depletion kits are available to target specific human cell surface markers to deplete certain cell populations, which can be found in the table below.
Cell type to depleteCell surface marker(s) to target for depletion
T cells and natural killer (NK) cellsCD2
Mature T cellsCD3
T helper cellsCD4
Cytotoxic T cellsCD8
Neutrophil and eosinophil granulocytesCD15
Pan B cellsCD19
Regulatory T cellsCD25
Endothelial cellsCD31
Epithelial cellsEPCAM
Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11159D Dynabeads™ CD2 Each

Online exclusive

Save 134.35 (10%)
11151D Dynabeads™ CD3, 5 mL Each
11145D Dynabeads™ CD4, 5 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 68.35 (5%)
11147D Dynabeads™ CD8, 5 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 65.35 (5%)
11149D Dynabeads™ CD14, 5 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 73.35 (5%)
11137D Dynabeads™ CD15, 5 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 109.35 (8%)
11143D Dynabeads™ CD19 Pan B, 5 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 124.35 (9%)
11157D Dynabeads™ CD25 Each
11155D Dynabeads™ CD31 Endothelial Cell Each

Online exclusive

Save 43.35 (3%)
11153D Dynabeads™ CD45 Each
16102 Dynabeads™ Epithelial Enrich, 5 mL Each
11170D Dynabeads™ MyOne™ CD45 Leukocyte Depletion, 2 mL Each

Mouse cell depletion kits

Mouse icon Cell depletion kits are available to target specific mouse cell surface markers to deplete certain cell populations, which can be found in the table below.
Cell type to depleteCell surface marker(s) to target for depletion
CD4+ T cellsCD4
CD8+ T cellsCD8
Pan B cellsB220
Pan T cellsThy1.2
Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11445D Dynabeads™ Mouse CD4 Each
11447D Dynabeads™ Mouse CD8 (Lyt 2) Each

Online exclusive

Save 84.35 (7%)
11441D Dynabeads™ Mouse Pan B (B220) Each
11443D Dynabeads™ Mouse Pan T (Thy1.2) Each

Online exclusive

Save 85.35 (7%)

Build-your-own negative cell depletion kit

Additional cell depletion kits are available to use for a wide range of species, with any antibody of your choice.

Use withFormat available
Any antibody targeting any cell type in any species (except rat)Sheep Anti-Rat IgG
Any antibody targeting any cell type in any species (except mouse)Pan Mouse IgG
Any antibody targeting any cell type in any speciesBiotin Binder

To refine for a particular cell type, you can simply add extra antibodies to the antibody mix. With the secondary antibody-coated Dynabeads sheep anti-rabbit IgG and sheep anti-mouse IgG you can create your own negative isolation kit for isolation of any cells from any species.

Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11035 Dynabeads™ Sheep Anti-Rat IgG, 5 mL Each
11041 Dynabeads™ Pan Mouse IgG, 5 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 26.35 (3%)
11047 Dynabeads™ Biotin Binder, 5 mL Each
11204D Dynabeads™ M-280 Sheep Anti-Rabbit IgG, 10 mL Each
11201D Dynabeads™ M-280 Sheep Anti-Mouse IgG, 2 mL Each

Positive cell isolation

Positive cell isolation involves directly labeling desired cells for selection using an antibody or ligand that targets a specific cell surface protein.

Positive cell isolation with Dynabeads magnetic beads

In positive cell isolation using Dynabeads magnetic beads, the beads are coated with the specific antibody or ligand to bind to the target cells and the bead/cell complexes are pulled down using a magnet. The supernatant contains non-specific cells and debris which can be discarded, leaving only your pure target cells attached to the bead.

 Cell separation using magnetic beads:

  • Is a gentle, tube-based method
  • Isolates high yields of pure, viable, and functional cells
  • Preserves the cells’ native characteristics

Human positive cell isolation kits

Human icon 
Positive cell isolation kits available for human cells target the following cell surface markers:
Cell surface marker to target for isolationCell type targetedFormat(s) available
CD3Cytotoxic T cells and T helper cellsFlowComp kit
CD4T helper cells, regulatory T cells, and natural killer T cellsFlowComp kit
CD8Cytotoxic T cells FlowComp kit
CD14Naive CD4+ T cellsFlowComp kit
CD19Pan B cellsDETACHaBEAD kit
CD34Progenitor stem cellsDETACHaBEAD kit
CD4/CD25Regulatory CD4+ T cellsDETACHaBEAD kit
EPCAMEpithelial cellsCELLection kit

Learn more about flow compatible Dynabeads kits

Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11365D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Human CD3 Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 164.35 (11%)
11361D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Human CD4 Kit Each
11362D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Human CD8 Kit Each
11333D Dynabeads™ CD8 Positive Isolation Kit Each
11367D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Human CD14 Kit Each
12506D DETACHaBEAD™ CD19 Kit Each
11301D Dynabeads™ CD34 Positive Isolation Kit Each
11363D Dynabeads™ Regulatory CD4+/CD25+ T Cell Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 71.35 (6%)
16203 CELLection™ Epithelial Enrich Dynabeads™ Each

Mouse positive cell isolation kits

Mouse icon 
Positive cell isolation kits available for mouse cells target the following cell surface markers:
Cell surface marker to target for isolationCell type targetedFormat(s) available
CD4Naive CD4+ T cellsFlowComp kit
CD8Naive CD8+ T cellsFlowComp kit
CD4/CD25Regulatory CD4+ T cellsFlowComp kit
CD90.2Pan T cellsFlowComp kit
Pan IgGDepends on your antibodyCELLection kit
Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11461D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Mouse CD4 Kit Each
11462D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Mouse CD8 Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 78.35 (8%)
11463D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Mouse CD4+CD25+ Treg Cells Kit 1 kit
11465D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Mouse Pan T (CD90.2) Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 71.35 (8%)
11531D CELLection™ Pan Mouse IgG Kit Each

Build-your-own positive cell isolation kit

Additional positive cell isolation kits are available to use for a wide range of species, with any antibody of your choice.

Use withFormat available
Any antibody targeting any cell type in any speciesFlowComp kit
Any biotinylated antibody targeting any cell type in any speciesCELLection kit
Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11061D Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Flexi Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 45.35 (4%)
11533D CELLection™ Biotin Binder Kit Each

Negative cell isolation

Negative cell involves labeling unwanted cell types for removal. The unwanted cell types can be bound using magnetic beads coupled to antibodies or ligands that target specific cell surface proteins. The bound, unwanted cells can be depleted from the final isolated fraction by incubating the sample in a magnetic field, leaving desired unbound cells free floating in solution.

Negative cell isolation with Dynabeads magnetic beads

In negative cell isolation, Dynabeads magnetic beads are used to deplete all the unwanted cells using the supplied antibody mix. The target cells are left in the sample untouched and free of beads. The isolated target cells can be directly analyzed in a flow cytometer and used in any functional assay.

Negative cell separation using magnetic beads:

  • Is a gentle, tube-based method
  • Isolates high yields of pure, viable, and functional cells
  • Preserves the cells’ native characteristics

Human negative cell isolation kits

Human icon 
Negative cell isolation kits are available for human cells to target the following cell types:
Cell type targetedCell surface marker(s) to target for isolationFormat available
T helper cells, regulatory T cells, and natural killer T cellsCD4Untouched kit
Cytotoxic T cellsCD8Untouched kit
Dendritic cells (DCs)CD3, CD14, CD16, CD19, CD56, and CD235aUntouched kit
MonocytesCD3, CD7, CD16 (a and b), CD19, CD56, CD123, and CD235aUntouched kit
Pan B cellsCD2, CD14, CD16 (a and b), CD36, CD43, and CD235aUntouched kit
Pan T cellsCD14, CD16 (a and b), CD19, CD36, CD56, CD123, and CD235aUntouched kit
Natural killer (NK) cellsCD3, CD14, CD36, HLA Class II, CD123, and CD235aUntouched kit

Mouse negative cell isolation kits

Mouse icon 
Negative cell isolation kits are available for mouse cells to target the following cell types:
Cell type targetedCell surface marker(s) to target for isolationFormat available
Naive CD4+ T cellsCD4Untouched kit
Naive CD8+ T cellsCD8Untouched kit
Dendritic cells (DCs)CD2, CD3ε, CD49b, mIgM, and Ter-119Dynabeads kit
Pan B cellsCD43Dynabeads kit
Pan T cellsCD11b, CD16/32, CD45R, and Ter-119Untouched kit
Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11415D Dynabeads™ Untouched™ Mouse CD4 Cells Kit, 2 x 10 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 82.35 (9%)
11417D Dynabeads™ Untouched™ Mouse CD8 Cells Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 82.35 (9%)
11429D Dynabeads™ Mouse DC (Dendritic Cell) Enrichment Each
11422D Dynabeads™ Mouse CD43 (Untouched™ B Cells) Each

Online exclusive

Save 66.35 (7%)
11413D Dynabeads™ Untouched™ Mouse T Cells Kit Each

Online exclusive

Save 78.35 (9%)

Cell depletion with Dynabeads magnetic beads

Cell depletion is aided by cell separation steps using magnetic beads. Cell depletion using magnetic beads involves selectively removing specific unwanted cells from a mixed population by using magnetic beads coupled with antibodies or ligands targeting specific cell surface markers. Through exposure to a magnetic field, the bead-bound unwanted cells are separated and removed from sample, allowing the isolation of desired cell populations for downstream characterization and analysis.

Human cell depletion kits

Human icon Cell depletion kits are available to target specific human cell surface markers to deplete certain cell populations, which can be found in the table below.
Cell type to depleteCell surface marker(s) to target for depletion
T cells and natural killer (NK) cellsCD2
Mature T cellsCD3
T helper cellsCD4
Cytotoxic T cellsCD8
Neutrophil and eosinophil granulocytesCD15
Pan B cellsCD19
Regulatory T cellsCD25
Endothelial cellsCD31
Epithelial cellsEPCAM
Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11159D Dynabeads™ CD2 Each

Online exclusive

Save 134.35 (10%)
11151D Dynabeads™ CD3, 5 mL Each
11145D Dynabeads™ CD4, 5 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 68.35 (5%)
11147D Dynabeads™ CD8, 5 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 65.35 (5%)
11149D Dynabeads™ CD14, 5 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 73.35 (5%)
11137D Dynabeads™ CD15, 5 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 109.35 (8%)
11143D Dynabeads™ CD19 Pan B, 5 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 124.35 (9%)
11157D Dynabeads™ CD25 Each
11155D Dynabeads™ CD31 Endothelial Cell Each

Online exclusive

Save 43.35 (3%)
11153D Dynabeads™ CD45 Each
16102 Dynabeads™ Epithelial Enrich, 5 mL Each
11170D Dynabeads™ MyOne™ CD45 Leukocyte Depletion, 2 mL Each

Mouse cell depletion kits

Mouse icon Cell depletion kits are available to target specific mouse cell surface markers to deplete certain cell populations, which can be found in the table below.
Cell type to depleteCell surface marker(s) to target for depletion
CD4+ T cellsCD4
CD8+ T cellsCD8
Pan B cellsB220
Pan T cellsThy1.2
Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11445D Dynabeads™ Mouse CD4 Each
11447D Dynabeads™ Mouse CD8 (Lyt 2) Each

Online exclusive

Save 84.35 (7%)
11441D Dynabeads™ Mouse Pan B (B220) Each
11443D Dynabeads™ Mouse Pan T (Thy1.2) Each

Online exclusive

Save 85.35 (7%)

Build-your-own negative cell depletion kit

Additional cell depletion kits are available to use for a wide range of species, with any antibody of your choice.

Use withFormat available
Any antibody targeting any cell type in any species (except rat)Sheep Anti-Rat IgG
Any antibody targeting any cell type in any species (except mouse)Pan Mouse IgG
Any antibody targeting any cell type in any speciesBiotin Binder

To refine for a particular cell type, you can simply add extra antibodies to the antibody mix. With the secondary antibody-coated Dynabeads sheep anti-rabbit IgG and sheep anti-mouse IgG you can create your own negative isolation kit for isolation of any cells from any species.

Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
11035 Dynabeads™ Sheep Anti-Rat IgG, 5 mL Each
11041 Dynabeads™ Pan Mouse IgG, 5 mL Each

Online exclusive

Save 26.35 (3%)
11047 Dynabeads™ Biotin Binder, 5 mL Each
11204D Dynabeads™ M-280 Sheep Anti-Rabbit IgG, 10 mL Each
11201D Dynabeads™ M-280 Sheep Anti-Mouse IgG, 2 mL Each

You can also use the positively targeted and bead-bound cells for other downstream molecular applications that do not require release of cells.

Explore more magnetic beads for cell isolation

Dynabeads FlowComp positive cell isolation kits for your flow cytometry cell sorting experiments

In contrast to column-based systems, FlowComp technology lets you isolate bead-free cells directly from human whole blood, buffy coat, or from mouse/human mononuclear cells (MNCs). Following separation, the beads are immediately released and removed, helping ensure the least possible interaction with your cells. Isolated bead-free cells are then ready for use in any downstream application, including flow cytometry. Get high cell recovery, viability, and purity using FlowComp kits and markers.

Explore Dynabeads FlowComp kits and markers

LigandProductProtocol descriptionStrategyDownload file
CellsCD3, CD4, CD8, CD14, CD19 Positive cell isolation for downstream nucleic acid, protein analysis, or cell depletionIndirectDuo Prime

CD3, CD4, CD8 

Positive cell isolation for downstream cellular applications, such as T cell activation

IndirectDuo Prime

See other Dynabeads magnetic beads protocols for KingFisher instruments

Automate your sample preparation using Dynabeads magnetic beads with protocols for Kingfisher instruments

KingFisher instruments automate the isolation of DNA, RNA, proteins, exosomes, viruses, and cells. KingFisher instruments help eliminate cross contamination, produce reproducible results, and cut your hands-on time down to 40 minutes. Set up plates, press start, and walk away.

Learn more about KingFisher instruments for automated protocols

Videos on cell isolation

Video: The two worlds of cell isolation

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Remaining Time 7:22
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    Video: Uptake and intracellular accumulation of Miltenyi MicroBeads in human CD3+ T cells

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        MagniSort cell isolation products
        Conceptual art of a large magnet attracting a magnet-bound surface

        For simpler, faster, and significant cost savings compared to traditional column-based separation methods, use MagniSort technology to obtain enriched T cells, B cells, and NK cells.

        Learn more about MagniSort magnetic cell separation technology

        For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

        Hero banner dark gradient overlay
        Stylesheet for Classic Wide Template adjustments